We have a lot of local artists around here. They are all pretty unique too. Friendly Doggies are mostly humorous dog paintings. They decided to try and merchandise it by making poster prints, greeting cards and other items - all needing packages; and in some cases, we needed actual free-standing displays too. Illustrator

"Human Displays" for retail outlets to display and hold the Friendly Doggies merch packages. Illustrator

Aromatherapy sniffers. The owner of this business has an artist friend that made a painting for her. I had to recreate a slightly modified version of the painting to add type and create a logo. Then we needed to package the product. These items would primarily be sold on a counter or hanging on the hang strips on the edge of a shelf. We had to design for both. I also created a square business card for her - just something to be different from the pack. Ill | PS | InD

This was another collaborative effort with another design firm, Norris Designs. Her client, Merlin Candy, needed a package for their chocolate "king cake". Ill | Freehand

TSD Tape Measure Packaging Reed Creative (formerly ReeDesign), yet another design firm partnership, (one that has moved around the country a bit). One of her clients wanted a custom package for a small retractable tape measure to give away. I made the die lines so they could order a die cutter off of it. The branding was already established so the design married with all of the other marketing and promotional items in existence. Illustrator
Sometimes your clients are actually selling merchandise that require it to be contained in some sort of packaging and/or displayed so being able to work with and even create die lines is important. Packaging and display play a major roll in how well an item sells.
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